Choosing The Right Color Scheme For Your Website

The color scheme you chose will probably be greatly influenced by your audience but it also depends on what meaning and emotions you want your website to be associated with. The meaning of certain colors will also vary depending on the country and culture. For example, the color red usually means passion and leadership for North American people, but it can mean mourning and grief in South Africa.

  • White: pure, neutral, clean
  • Black: classy, elegance, power, mystery
  • Grey: humility, pessimism, balance, formality
  • Red: passion, fire, strength, leadership, love
  • Green: environment, wealth, youth, greed, creative
  • Blue: peace, harmony, conservative, cold
  • Purple: royalty, envy, spirituality, pride
  • Orange: enthusiasm, energy, happiness
  • Yellow: gold, joy, optimism, weakness, light
  • Brown/Beige: Earth, natural, friendliness, rustic
  • Pink: love, gratitude, health, joy, young

Needless to say you should do a lot of research before deciding on the color scheme you will use. Make sure you research existing websites in your niche but don’t forgot that sometimes thinking a little outside the box can be a good thing.

Online Tools

There’s a lot of web-based tools to help you chose the right color scheme, here are some of my favorites:

Colour Lovers

Adobe Kuler

Color Scheme Designer

Daily Color Scheme

Read more here++++++++++

Learn JQuery now!


  1. jQuery tutorials
  2. jQuery docs
  3. Learning jQuery
  4. jQuery for Designers
  5. Learn jQuery Now
  6. jQuery for absolute beginners video series
  7. jQuery How-To

24+ Mootools/jQuery plugins

  1. Window.Growl 2.0 with MooTools 1.2beta2

  2. nyroModal :: jQuery Plugin

  3. prettyPhoto – jQuery lightbox clone

  4. jQuery.ifixpng – png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

  5. jTouch – Color Charge

  6. jQuery Slug Plugin

  7. Creating accessible charts using canvas and jQuery

  8. How To Create A Keypress Navigation Using jQuery

  9. Mootools Ajax Calendar (Vista-Like)

  10. Create a Simple, Intelligent Accordion Effect Using Prototype and Scriptaculous

  11. : jgrowl

  12. Superfish – Suckerfish on ‘roids

  13. JavaScript – ToC script

  14. SyntaxHighlighter

  15. ColorPicker

  16. Building your own lightbox – part 1

  17. Unit PNG Fix

  18. UniTip

  19. Update: A New & Improved jQuery Script to Automatically Preload images from CSS

  20. mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in

  21. BarackSlideshow – An elegant, lightweight slideshow script

  22. getElementsByClassName versión 2008

  23. jQuery::planize, a plugin to enhance your hierarchical documents

  24. jVal – jQuery Form Field Validation Plugin

open source web based code editor – ecoder

ecoder is a open source web based code editor written in PHP and JavaScript, which offer real-time syntax highlighting , a file browser, file uploader, and tabbed system to allow multiple files to be edited at the same time.


Real-time syntax highlighting is handled by textarea and keyboard short-cuts lend it the feel of a locally installed application. Currently ecoder in beta stage as this project is not yet finished. ecoder works with most standards compliant browsers which have JavaScript enabled. internet explorer 6 is not supported.

keyboard shortcuts for ecoder :

Tab: add tabulation to text
Shift+Tab: remove tabulation to text
Ctrl+f: search next / open search area
Ctrl+r: replace / open search area
Ctrl+h: toggle syntax highlight on/off
Ctrl+g: go to line
Ctrl+z: undo
Ctrl+y: redo
Ctrl+e: about
Ctrl+q, Esc: close popup
Access key E: Toggle editor

70 PHP Tutorials at Its best

  1. Introduction To PHP
  2. Using HTML Forms With PHP
  3. Adding records to a MySQL database using PHP
  4. Setting Up Apache, PHP & MySQL On Windows
  5. Creating a PHP Looping Statement
  6. Introduction to PHP Variables
  7. Using PHP Operators
  8. Using Variable Referencing
  9. Working with PHP Datatypes
  10. File I/O in PHP
  11. What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?
  12. Convert Images to Thumbnails Images Using PHP
  13. PHP by example, Part I
  14. PHP By Example, Part 2
  15. Sorting an Array in PHP
  16. Putting PHP & MySQL To Work
  17. Generate Random Quotes with PHP
  18. How To Upload Files Using PHP
  19. A Class for Validating and Formatting Dates
  20. How Many Users Online?
  21. How to Show Random Images from a Folder
  22. Replacing Text in a MySQL Database Using PHP
  23. How To Backup Your MySQL Database With PHP
  24. Google Suggest With PHP
  25. Track Your Visitors, Using PHP
  26. PHP and Cookies, A Good Mix!
  27. Control Structures and While Loops
  28. Hightlight or Censor Words in PHP
  29. How to make a Hit Counter with PHP
  30. Basic Control Structures in PHP
  31. Developing a Login System with PHP and MySQL
  32. Upload Files to MySQL using PHP Tutorial
  33. PHP and MySql with PayPal
  34. Inserting An Array Into A Database
  35. Calculating Difference Between Two Dates Using PHP
  36. Programmatically Deciding Which Database to Connect in PHP
  37. Saving PHP Session Data to a Database
  38. Using Control Structures and Foreach Loops in PHP
  39. Storing Images in a Database
  40. Displaying Load Time with PHP
  41. Creating and Accessing MySQL Data with PHP
  42. Developing a Login System with PHP and MySQL
  43. Site Personalization With PHP
  44. How to Handle a Many-to-Many Relationship with PHP and MySQL
  45. Using PHP Objects to Access Your Database Tables (Part 1)
  46. Using PHP Objects to Access Your Database Tables (Part 2)
  47. The Explode Function, Split a String by String
  48. PHP Caching to Speed up Dynamically Generated Sites
  49. How to Setup and use Printing Variables in PHP
  50. Creating an Image Gallery with PHP
  51. Anti-Automated Registration
  52. Creating a Drop Down Selection with an Array
  53. Customizing the PHP Error Handler
  54. Checking Form Field Integrity within PHP
  55. Password Protection and File Inclusion With PHP
  56. How to Setup Variable Scope and Global Declarations
  57. Creating Dynamic Text Images
  58. Perfect PHP Pagination
  59. Image Manipulation with PHP The GD Libraries
  60. Simplified Image Resizing with PHP
  61. Verify a User’s Email Address Using PHP –
  62. Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database
  63. Managing Users with PHP Sessions and MySQL
  64. Generate PDFs with PHP
  65. Advanced email in PHP
  66. Creating a Credit Card Validation Class With PHP
  67. Using Regular Expressions in PHP
  68. Generating Spreadsheets with PHP and PEAR
  69. Getting Started with PEAR – PHP’s Low Hanging Fruit
  70. PHP Basic Pagination

How To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly ???

apple-iphone-keyboard Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would have heard about the phenomenal sales of the new iPhone by Apple. It sold approximately 1 million handsets in 3 days – which is approximately 231 handsets per second.

Now stop and think what that means for website marketing. There’s no prizes for realizing that a mobile version of your website is now becoming more important than ever.

I understand it might still be hard for you to justify the expense of getting a professional mobile version of your website designed, but here’s 4 FREE ways to get a mobile version up.

1. Mofuse:

If your website produces an RSS feed, then Mofuse could be the answer. It takes your sites RSS feed and turns it into a mobile friendly website – perfect for viewing on a myriad of handsets.

2. Mippin

Mippin is another free tool that allows you to turn your website’s RSS feed into your new mobile site. While it’s a simple tool to use, it lacks a lot of the customization that mofuse offers.

3. Wirenode

Don’t have an RSS feed, then Wirenode might be a better option. While it offers some handy templates to get you started, there isn’t much in the way of customization. It does however offer some basic analytics to track performance.

4. Google Mobile Optimizer

The quickest, easiest but possibly ugliest way to mobilize your site is thanks to Google. Just submit your URL and voila – you have a mobile friendly site. But forget about customization – it’s not for those with fancy mobile website aspirations. But heck – it works!

So if you want to ensure you have a mobile friendly version of your website for all your new iPhone carrying customers, without the hefty redesign costs, you’ve got 5 easy ways to get started.

If you try out the tools, make sure to link to your new mobile website via our comments section below so we call all take a look.

By Rene LeMerle

10 useful php framework for Rapid Web development

PHP is everywhere . PHP is popular server-side scripting language,mostly you seen in wordpress blog platforms. wordpress blog platforms totally build in PHP. PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic and interactive websites. It is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft’s ASP.

Frameworks allow for structure in developing applications by providing reusable classes and functions which can reduce development time significantly. PHP is perfectly suited for Web development and can be embedded directly into the HTML code. The PHP syntax is very similar to Perl and C.

CodeIgniter PHP Framework:


CodeIgniter: an open source Web Application Framework that helps you write PHP programs. CodeIgniter is a very light, well performing framework.The main motive of CodeIgniter enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks.  CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.

CakePHP PHP Framework:


CakePHP is an open source web application framework for producing web applications written in PHP . CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.

Zend PHP Framework:


Zend Framework (ZF) is an open source, object-oriented web application framework written in PHP 5 and released under the New BSD License. Zend Framework (ZF) is an AJAX support through JSON . Zend Framework aims to be the premier place to consume & publish web services.   Zend Framework (ZF) have Flexible architecture which No configuration files required to start using . Zend Framework is focused on building more secure, reliable, and modern Web 2.0 applications & web services, and using  widely available APIs from leading vendors like Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr, as well as API providers  like StrikeIron and ProgrammableWeb.

PHPDevShell PHP Framework:


PHPDevShell is an Open Source PHP framework for the development of admin-based applications.  The main aim of PHPDevShell is to developed admin based applications as plugins, where speed, security, stability and flexibility are essentials. It is designed to have a very easy learning curve without complicated new terms to learn.

The need for a light, fully functional GUI with limitless configuration brought forward PHPDevShell.  PHPDevShell is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation .

Symfony PHP Framework:


Symfony is a web application framework for PHP projects. The main aim of Symfony is to developed robust applications in an enterprise context and speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. This means that you have full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized.  symfony easy to install on any configuration with very small number of prerequisites . you just need Unix or Windows with a web server and PHP installed. Symfony is compatible with almost every database system. Symfony completely free and released  under the MIT license.

Yii PHP Framework :


Yii is a high-performance component-based PHP framework best for developing large-scale Web applications. Yii comes with a full stack of features, including MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, jQuery-based AJAX support, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events, theming, Web services, and so on. Written in strict OOP, Yii is easy to use and is extremely flexible and extensible.

Akelos PHP Framework :


The Akelos PHP Framework is a web application development platform based on the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern.  The main aim of Akelos PHP Framework is to Speed up the creation of complex web applications with writing less code. Provide all the means for creating applications that can run on cheap PHP4/PHP5 hosts and in the developer desktop without complex configurations. Akelos PHP Framework help you to creating and maintaining applications with data and views in multiple languages.

PRADO PHP Framework :


PRADO is PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented web application framework for producing web applications written in PHP 5 . PRADO is a component-based and event-driven framework for rapid Web programming in PHP 5. PRADO reconceptualizes Web application development in terms of components, events and properties instead of procedures, URLs and query parameters.

A PRADO component is a combination of a specification file (in XML), an HTML template and a PHP class. PRADO components are combined together to form larger components or complete PRADO pages.

The main aim of PRADO PHP Framework is to instantiating prebuilt and application-specific component types, configuring them by setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler functions, and composing them into application tasks.

Zoop PHP Framework :


Zoop is a recursive acronym which stands for Zoop Object Oriented PHP Framework. Zoop Framework is stable, scalable, and portable and It’s designed to be fast, efficient, modular, and extensible. Although it predates the recent proliferation of PHP MVC frameworks, it not only supports but encourages separation of display, logic and data layers. Zoop is a well-organized, fully-featured front controller. A Smarty based view layer enhanced your form generation and rich UI controls.

Screencast: Building a PHP contact form with the Zoop Framework :

QPHP PHP Framework :


QPHP (MVC, Component based, Ajax enabled) PHP framework. QPHP stands for Quick PHP and is a MVC framework similar as architecture to ASP.NET.  This framework tries to get the best of the above platforms as well as to avoid the problematic parts. Basically it:

  • Brings the elegance of Java and C#
  • Drops all Perl like bizzare statements that other PHP frameworks use
  • Relies extensively on OOP concepts