How to turn any jQuery plugin into a WordPress one

WordPress and jQuery are both very famous for their plugins. In the case of jQuery, plugins allow developers to extend the library’s capacities in order to create beautiful effects. In WordPress, they allow anyone to benefit from the work of others, as they come under the form of a module that you can easily activate from within the administration interface, and start using right away.

Creating one of those modules is not that difficult, but if you are not familiar with their syntax, it could end up being a headache. There are many jQuery plugins that have been transferred into a WordPress one already, but what can you do when it is not the case? How do you do when you have found the perfect jQuery plugin for your latest site, but it is not yet available as a WordPress plugin?

In this tutorial: How to turn any jQuery plugin into a WordPress one, we’ll see how you can easily create a WordPress plugin from a jQuery one. We’ll review what a jQuery, or a WordPress plugin is actually made of, so we’ll find the elements they both have in common. From there, we’ll show how it leads us to perform some simple operations to allow us to benefit from our jQuery plugins in a WordPress template.

Source: How to turn any jQuery plugin into a WordPress one