Some Useful Jquery Applications for your Web

30+ Useful WordPress Plugins

A WordPress Plugin is a program, or a set of one or more functions, written in the PHP scripting language, that adds a specific set of features or services to the WordPress weblog, which can be seamlessly integrated with the weblog using access points and methods provided by the WordPress Plugin Application Program Interface (API).

There are tons of WordPress plugins out there. Some of them can be really helpful, while others are just a waste of disk space. Let’s take a look at 32 really useful WordPress plugins and why you should use them.

1. Google XML Sitemaps

2. All in One SEO Pack

3. WordPress Database Backup

4. Contact Form 7

5. Google Analytics for WordPress

6. PXS Mail Form

7. WP e-Commerce

8. ShareThis

9. Redirection

10. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

11. Sidebar Widgets

12. Get Recent Comments

13. Akismet

14. WP lightbox 2

15. Ultimate Tag Warrior 3

16. My Page Order

17. Adsense-Deluxe

18. Search Regex Plugin

19. Tweetmeme

20. WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam

21. Theme Authenticity Checker

22. List Category Posts

23. Expanding Text Plugin

24. Actionable

25. Advanced Tagline

26. Sodahead Polls

27. Minimum Comment Length

28. Blogging Tips

29. Gravatar Recent Comments

30. WordPress Super Cache

31. WPtouch: WordPress on iPhone, iPod & Android

32. Blog Alerts

15 jquery slider plugin

I found these plugins very useful for the web development. so i  am sharing

1.  jQuery plugin – Easy Image or Content Slider | Css Globe

2.  Scroll your HTML with jquery scrollable

3.  Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider

4.  Accessible News Slider: A jQuery Plugin

5.  s3Slider jQuery plugin – Overview

6.  Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery

7. jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption

8. New jQuery plugin: imgPreview – James Padolsey

9. CrossSlide – A jQuery plugin to create pan and cross-fade animations

10. JQuery Cycle Plugin

11. Simple jQuery Image Slideshow with Semi Transparent Caption

12. Slider Gallery

13. Create Beautiful jQuery Slider

14. Supersized

15. Smooth Div Scroll

24+ list of colour tools and resources to get you started

Colour Schemes

Colour Charts

Colour Pickers

Colour Tools

WordPress Colour and CSS Test Sites

Few CAPTCHA scripts that save your website!!!

reCAPTCHA is a free service which helps prevent automated abuse of your site (such as comment spam or bogus registrations) by using a CAPTCHA to ensure that only humans perform certain actions.

2. Securimage
Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on most any webserver as long as you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. Securimage does everything from generate complicated CAPTCHA images to making sure the code the user entered was correct.

3. WebSpamProtect
WebSpamProtect allows you to instantly add verification image (CAPTCHA) to your web site and protect your forms against spam robots. In order to protect your web form, this system requires that you install a small piece of code onto your web page. The code requires that your web site support PHP, Perl, ASP or ASP.NET. Basic plan is free but you can buy a Premium, Advanced or Professional paln with a little expense.

4. Cryptographp
Cryptographp is a PHP script for generate captchas. Cryptographp limit the robots bombarding spams and automating the forms: spaces members subscriptions, guestbooks, forums… This script is free and does not use any database. It is compatible with PHP >= 4.3.0. Cryptographp also exists into plugins for WordPress, wpMu for WordPress, Symfony and Guppy.

5. CAPTCHA-Service provides CAPTCHA images and audio files you can use in html-forms. To use this technology, your web pages have to be generated dynamically in any programming language PHP, ASP, Perl, Python, JSP, Ruby.

6. WP Captcha-Free
WP Captcha-Free blocks comment spam by using a combination of time-based hash (a.k.a. Time Based Tokens, TBT) and JavaScript (AJAX). When a comment is posted the plugin validates a hash based on time (and some other parameters). Comments posted via automated means will not have a hash or will have an expired hash and will be rejected. Unlike using a captcha, this does not place any burden on the commenter.

7. ProtectWebForm
ProtectWebForm is a service to add CAPTCHA images and audio files on your website. You have to create an account, generate your CAPTCHA type with all the desired parameters and include it on your web pages.You can also use it on your WordPress template with this plugin.

8. ProtectWebForm
OpenCaptcha is a simple web service which requires no special configurations or modules. Basic installation is cut-and-paste, and requires no ability to program image manipuation scripts. New fonts, image algorithms, and distortions applied weekly.

9. Form-to-email script protected by Captcha
This form-to-email script is intended to collect data from an HTML form and send it to a specified email address using a CAPTCHA script to stop spam. It works with any kind of HTML form and you can use it multiple times on your pages.

10. freeCap
freeCap is a GPL CAPTCHA script to stop spam. It has been used on any form on any kind of website. It does require some knowledge of PHP to install, though there are several captcha plugins for forum and blog software listed below.

10 Free powerful Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems help web developers create, manage and publish quickly blogs, portal or social collaboration websites. Probably you know the most popular CMS tools such as WordPress, Movable Type, Joomla!, Mambo but there are a lot of similar CMS tools for all needs.

1. Frog CMS
Frog CMS simplifies content management by offering an elegant user interface, flexible templating per page, simple user management and permissions, as well as the tools necessary for file management.

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How to Use Gmail Labels as Folders?

Many of the internet users(including my friends) opt for Yahoo mail because it contains Folders.

Actually Gmail Labels provides more functionality than Yahoo Mails Folders. Gmail allows you to put emails into Labels or both Inbox and Label.

Here is how you can set Labels as Folders:

  • Go Under Settings Tab.
  • Choose Labels Tab and Create a New Label ( I used Google).


  • Now go under Filter Tab and Click on Create a filter


  • Choose your Filter criteria(I choose Has the Words :Google)
  • Click on Next.
  • Mark the BoxSkip the Inbox(Archive it) and Apply the Label Google


You can also take mails already in your Inbox to Label with criteria you have mentioned above.


Now your Labels are not just labels but are Folders too.