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500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

Download WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

Jquery Zoom Plugin

jQuery gzoom plugin

Really nice image zoom plugin with the following features: click on plus and minus to zoom, drag the slider to zoom Zoom using mousewheel hover the image, Moving mouse hover the image change the pan, Click on the image to show in lightbox style

Hover Zoom

The hover zoom effect basically reverse zooms an image while fading in a label on top of it when the mouse hovers over it. It makes for a pretty slick effect which could be used on thumbnails. As always, you can check out a demo or grab the source right here if you don’t want to read the entire tutorial.

AnythingZoomer jQuery Plugin

You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it. I’m not going to tell you what you should use it for or elaborate use-case scenarios. Your own creativity can help you there. Demo & Download



Magic Zoom™ is a JavaScript zoom tool. It’s the best way to display images in incredible.

jQuery Popeye: Advanced Lightbox image Gallery

jQuery Popeye uses a different approach than traditional lightboxes by respecting the page flow and staying anchored in the web page at all times. You can use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and also provide your users a nice and elegant way to see larger images without leaving the page flow. It is fairly easy to implement, and offers great flexibility in both behavior and styling through configuration options and CSS.


* Easy to implement and requires simple markup
* Comes with three different CSS skins
* Automatic Single Image Mode
* Can have multiple galleries in a single page
* Support both text based or HTML based captions
* Configuration options  to customize behavior

Demo: http://dev.herr-schuessler.de/jquery/popeye/demo.html#pre1
Home & Download: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/popeye

RssLounge: Free RSS Feed Reader Script

Rsslounge is an open source web-based RSS feed reader application that is built with PHP-MySQL. It allows you to organize and read your RSS feeds and updates from online services like Twitter, Del.ico.us or YouTube in a central message center. The application makes switching feed readers so easy with the OPML export/import functionality.

It can be considered as a Google Reader clone script, but it has a few features that sets it different from Google reader:

You can download the script and install it on your own server.  This will be an excellent piece of script that companies might want to roll on their intranet. They can capture RSS items from different sources and share with the rest of the company. With RSSLounge’s open plugin system, you can add more datasources other than RSS feed.

Home: http://rsslounge.aditu.de/
Demo: http://rsslounge.aditu.de/demo/
Download: http://rsslounge.aditu.de/index/download

10 Things Every Good Web Developer Should Know

Here’s a checklist of 10 skills that are some of the most important for good web developers to have.

1. Regular expressions

Regular expressions are used to parse strings, basically to find and replace bits of text. While this may seem trivial, the versatility of regex makes it quite powerful. There are a wide variety of methods for optimizing a regex string, which can mean huge performance differences for your app.

Regular expressions can be used with just about any language, they work great with Javascript’s replace() and PHP’s preg_replace() to name a few. They are also great for Apache rewrites.

2. Basic SEO

A knowledge of basic SEO is essential for any good web developer. While you can leave keyword research to your clients, a developer should have sound strategies for targeting those keywords on the page. This means clean markup and good use of <title>, <meta>, <h1> and <h2> tags on the front-end, as well as solid link and directory structure organization on the back-end.
The best resources I’ve found for learning SEO are the Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Ranking Factors v2, both from SEOmoz.

3. A good Javascript library

Even if you don’t write much Javascript, knowing a good Javascript language can make that little bit so much easier. Whether it’s jQuery (my personal favorite), Mootools, or whatever, learning a Javascript library will cut your Javascript dev time in half. First, these libraries take the cross-browser guess-work out of Javascript programming so you can stop feature checking and start animating. Additionally, they provide a ton of easy animation options and make selecting nodes in the DOM a piece of cake.

More adventurous Javascripters might even want to tackle a Javascript UI language. There are plugins for the libraries above, but I’d recommend Dojo with Dijit.

4. Cross-browser debugging

In order to reach as many viewers as possible, your websites need to work in all the major browsers (IE6, IE7, IE8, FF2, FF3, Safari 4, Opera 9). Everyone hates cross-browser debugging, but the better you get the less you’ll have to do it.

5. Image processing and optimization

Although most developers rely on professional designers for design assets, it is just as important for devs to know their way around Photoshop. A strong knowledge of image processing not only allows you to make quick changes to comps without bouncing them back to the designer, it also helps you to understand what is possible when asking for design changes.

One Photoshop skill that is particularly important for webdevs is image optimization. Image file sizes are probably the largest threat to bandwidth and optimizing images can make or break a site’s load time. Photoshop and Illustrator’s “Save for Web” option makes image optimization a lot easier: simply press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S on PC or Command-Alt-Shift-S on Mac to access this wizard.

Read the Full Article here

Nivo Slider:New JQuery Image Slider


  • 9 unique transition effects
  • Simple clean & valid markup
  • Loads of settings to tweak
  • Built in directional and control navigation
  • Packed version only weighs 6kb
  • Supports linking images
  • Free to use and abuse under the MIT license

Browser Support

Nivo Slider has been tested under the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer v7+
  • Firefox v3+
  • Google Chrome v4
  • Safari v4
  • Opera v10.5