How to turn any jQuery plugin into a WordPress one

WordPress and jQuery are both very famous for their plugins. In the case of jQuery, plugins allow developers to extend the library’s capacities in order to create beautiful effects. In WordPress, they allow anyone to benefit from the work of others, as they come under the form of a module that you can easily activate from within the administration interface, and start using right away.

Creating one of those modules is not that difficult, but if you are not familiar with their syntax, it could end up being a headache. There are many jQuery plugins that have been transferred into a WordPress one already, but what can you do when it is not the case? How do you do when you have found the perfect jQuery plugin for your latest site, but it is not yet available as a WordPress plugin?

In this tutorial: How to turn any jQuery plugin into a WordPress one, we’ll see how you can easily create a WordPress plugin from a jQuery one. We’ll review what a jQuery, or a WordPress plugin is actually made of, so we’ll find the elements they both have in common. From there, we’ll show how it leads us to perform some simple operations to allow us to benefit from our jQuery plugins in a WordPress template.

Source: How to turn any jQuery plugin into a WordPress one

5 fresh Jquery Plugin That You Really love

Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery

Dynamic Loading of ComboBox using jQuery and Ajax in PHP


AJAX Voting Poll System

Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3

SlideDeck : Content Slider for WordPress Plugin

SlideDeck is a Free JavaScript based Content Slider. With this beautiful free content slider script you can display content on websites, mobile phones and kiosks. This free content slider is now released as a free WordPress plugin works within the easy-to-use WordPress interface and allows you to post a slider live in minutes. Insert your SlideDeck into your posts, on your pages and even in your theme!


Make your own RSS feed using PHP and MySQL

RSS Feed is an important part of a website/blog to attract and bring back users and make them permanent readers. Blogs like wordpress have built in rss reader, but if your website doesn’t have a rss system this tutorial is just the thing you need.  As we know, RSS feeds usually using to transfer some news to readers.

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Embed custom fonts in your web page with Typeface

Typeface :

Instead of creating images or using flash just to show your site’s graphic text in the font you want, you can use typeface.js and write in plain HTML and CSS, just as if your visitors had the font installed locally.

jQuery Navigation Plugin


jBreadCrumb is a jQuery plugin to display the breadcrumb navigation in a way that is more flexible and more intelligent. As the length of a short menu that may be very long and commonly used methods for this problem is to limit the amount used to the menu. It makes a neat interface and better navigation tools usability & SEO.

Background-Position plugin

This plugin was written by Jonathan Snook who got inspiration After reading Dave Shea’s article on CSS sprites using jQuery to Produce animation effects. Position background image in the menu will change with animated effects. Animation effects will appear when users move their mouse over and out of navigation.

jQuery ListNav Plugin

ListNav is a jQuery plugin for creating alphabetical navigations from lists. Once configured, a customizable (via CSS) navigation bar appears above the list, displaying letters from A to Z. When a letter is clicked, the items that start with that letter is displayed.ListNav works great on long lists. It supports multiple lists on the same page. And it has been tested on IE6, IE7, Firefox 2 and 3 (Windows and Mac), Safari (Windows and Mac).

The iPod Drilldown and Flyout Styles Menu System

“The Search iPods and Flyout Menu Styles System” can be used to create a simple dropdown menu for a list of options, flyout menu for smaller hierarchical list of menu options in which the child’s parents appear on the menu on mouseover atas.Mereka provides navigation Easy of complex nested structures with a number of levels. Also built on the ability to customize the menu display, including the active and hover states, with a passing grade as an option.


Jeegoocontext is a jQuery plugin allows us to create customized context menu. This plugin can turn your list into a multi-level unordered. Some context menu can be made on the same page and they can be customized via CSS. It has a customizable time delays for the submenu-value ‘missing that makes them easier browsing. Plugin also has a solution to not allow overwrite Opera right click & worked with him as well.

jQuery Magic Line Navigation

jQuery Magic Line Navigation features highlights from several species (background or underscore) to follow you around as you mouse over the different links in the navigation. Thus, the line of “magic” will only be added via JavaScript. Once added to the list and style, as you mouse over the links that are different, the number of positions and animates the left and width to match.