15 New jQuery Plugins for Web development

1. Tagbox

Tagbox is a simple tagging plugin for jQuery. It automatically collects and split user input into tags. See project page for more information.

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2. ImgAreaSelect

Lets the user select a rectangular area within an image. Can be used to implement image cropping and Flickr-like photo notes.

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3. jQuery Form Wizard Plugin

The form wizard plugin is based on jQuery and can be used to simulate wizard like page flows for forms without having to navigate between different pages.

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4. Nyromodal

nyroModal is a highly customizable modal window plugin.

You’ll be able to customize either the look by CSS and the animation by creating your own, using the jQuery animation function.

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5. Agile Carousel

Jquery plugin that allows you to easily create a custom carousel. Call Jquery UI to enable many different additional transition types and easing methods. Uses PHP to draw images from the folder you specify. Configure many different options including controls, slide timer length, easing type, transition type and more!

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6. Round Corners

A jquery plugin to round the corners and/or create gradients for any HTML element with any browser

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7. Loading

Provides trivially easy way to notify users that a request is being loaded and processed in the background, so that they know their action was received and the page has not frozen.

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8. jQuery Datepicker

A highly customisable datepicker. This plugin forms the basis for the jQuery UI Datepicker. It is made available as a separate plugin since the UI team desired simplified functionality for their version.

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9. Curtains

A great idea for a jQuery plugin.  It animates the opening of some curtains with a good looking call to action.

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10. Simple Text Box Label Over

From time-to-time our sites have used labels that ‘float’ over their text input box.  To make things easier for ourselves, we’ve come up with a little jQuery plugin to do just that.

You can see a working example on this website;  the ‘Search our blog’ text box at the top right of the blog and the ‘Keep up to Date.’ sign-up box on the homepage both use this plugin.


11. QuickFlip 2

QuickFlip works by using an animation shortcut that is barely noticeable when flipped quickly (hence the name). This shortcut improves performance while allowing the flip effect to work smoothly with any piece of markup regardless of images, backgrounds or CSS.

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12. Juitter

Juitter is a Twitter widget that shows you what’s happening on any given Twitter feed live!

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13. Create a Fancy Box

This tutorial will show you how to turn unordered list (UL) into an fancy social bookmarking sharing box. You will see how to style such box, how to add interactivity, and how to create jQuery plugin that will turn any UL into sharing box.

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14. Slick and Accessible Slideshow

You’ll learn how to create a usable and web accessible slideshow widget for your site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (jQuery).

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15. Zoom Tabs

Roll over the image block, tabs slide up and the image zooms a little to reveal more of the picture.

Try out a demo

5 Questions to Ask Your Web Developer

Building a website can be a lot like putting together a jigsaw puzzle–sometimes the picture looks good, but when you look closely, pieces are in the wrong places. A website might function, but as soon as you make a change or an update, the picture falls apart.

How do you avoid hiring a designer or developer that builds a website like this? Here are some questions you can ask and some feedback to help you understand their answers.

1. What web standards do they follow?
This is a great question that will fluster someone who doesn’t have standards. What are web standards? This is the way of designing and coding a website that allows the website to grow with technology and the web visitor.  This means using clean code and technologies like:

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): a simple mechanism for adding style like fonts, colors, and spacing to web pages
  • XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language): a markup language that has the same depth of expression as HTML, but also conforms to XML syntax
  • ECMA Scripts: the standard version of JavaScript used on most web browsers.

You don’t have to know how to write the languages; you just have to know what the standards are to understand the answer.

A simple way to help you connect to this question is to remember that people online don’t all use the same web browser or operating system. Designing and developing to standards gives your website the ability to look and function the way it should on different platforms.

2. Do they design for SEO best practices?
It’s no secret today that everyone wants a website that can be found on search engines. Implementing search engine optimization may not be what you want your designer or developer to do for you; however, how your site is designed or coded can affect your strategy when you are ready. When you interview developers, this is a great question to ask and see if the person you’re interviewing is familiar with how to code to meet SEO standards. Here are a few items that affect SEO best practices:

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Designing a website to meet SEO best practices means using style sheets to cut down on the amount of code on your web page. Search engines like text, not code.
  • Script files: When you use dynamic items on your site like image galleries or mouse-over menus, usually these are created through JavaScript. To follow proper SEO standards, script files should be created for pages instead of having the script on your web page.
  • Web page content: Your text or content should be on the page as much as possible this can even include your website navigation. There are ways to make text visually appealing without having the designer put it inside an image. Images that contain words are not picked up as content by search engines.

If SEO is a strategy you are considering down the line, it’s a good idea to make sure your site will be built with this strategy in mind.

3. How do they plan for change or growth?
One of the most stressful lessons learned is that the website you built yesterday will not allow you to grow tomorrow. Being told you have to start over is one of those statements every business owner can’t bear to hear. Before you begin, ask the question, “Does the technology you’re using allow me to grow or add additional functions?” You may even want to take this further and think about tools you’d want to add down the line. You can also ask designers or developers to provide you with a brief list of tools they have already integrated with sites like yours. This allows you not only the opportunity to see if they are knowledgeable, but also whether they’re supportive in providing you with ideas.

4. How do they test their work?
As I mentioned above, not all of your consumers use the same technology. But to ensure things are operating the way they should or displaying correctly, web developer need to test their work. This issue might seem trivial, but you’d be surprised how many firms only test for one web browser. I recommend you ask specifically what web browsers and versions they test for during the development process. If you’re building an online community, social or e-commerce website, testing is an important part of your success. Secure payment gateways need to be tested in a real environment. Be sure to get the specifics of what your firm considers to be part of a test phase and what it’s being held accountable for after the website has gone live.

5. How do they handle support requests?
After a website has officially launched inevitably there will be a problem–it’s technology; it happens. The question you want to know before you put pen to contract is how does your new firm handle support or bugs–technical hiccups with the website? Every firm will approach this differently, so pay close attention to how it phrase its response and commitment.

Building a website depending on the functions you need can be a lot like putting a puzzle together. The key to success is finding the right firm who understands the pieces that need to come together for your business.

Jennifer Shaheen, the e-marketing and Technology Therapist, has more 10 years experience working with small- to mid-sized businesses on their e-marketing and web development needs. You can learn more about her by visiting her web site, TechnologyTherapy.com

Some Helpful Site For Building Online Store with WordPress

WordPress is a popular blogging platform and content management system, but it can also be used for powering e-commerce websites. Although its primary purpose is not e-commerce, there are a number of plugins and themes available that will allow you to use WordPress for your online store (some are free and some are premium).

In this post we’ll take a look at some of the resources that can help you to set up your own e-commerce site on WordPress.


WordPress e-Commerce Plugin
An extremely popular plugin that offers a lot of options for setting up an online store with WordPress. WP e-Commerce integrates with PayPal, Google Checkout, Authorize.net and more. Designers will have the flexibility to tweak and customize the appearance as well.

Another popular e-commerce plugin. The cost is $55 for a single-site license or $299 for a developer’s license. The plugin includes a lot of features, including several payment options and flexible shipping calculations.

eShop is a free plugin that also has a lot of features and options for setting up an e-commerce site with WordPress.

Quick Shop
Quick Shop is a free plugin that users sidebar widgets to create a simple shopping cart. You can place tags in your post that will generate a form to add products to the cart.

YAK for WordPress
YAK is a free plugin that creates a simple shopping cart that associates products with posts, so it uses the post ID as the product ID.


Crafty Cart
A free e-commerce theme designed to work with the e-commerce plugin.

A new free theme from Chris Wallace (a child theme for Thematic).

Ecommerce Theme
A premium theme from iThemes. A single-use license costs $79.95 and a developer’s license costs $199.

Market Theme
A premium theme that provides you with everything you need to run an e-commerce site with WordPress. The cost is $55 for a standard license or $150 for a developer’s license.

A premium theme that is available through ThemeForest for $35. Includes 2 child themes.

Another premium theme that is available through ThemeForest for $30. Includes 3 child themes.

Another premium theme that is available through ThemeForest for $30. Includes 2 themes, each with a child theme.


How to Create an E-Commerce Website with WordPress in Under 5 Minutes
This video tutorial will show you how install WordPress, change the them, and use the e-commerce plugin to quickly get an e-commerce website online. The focus is on getting the basics set up rather than going in to great details of the plugin settings and options.

Getting Set Up with the WP e-Commerce Plugin: Settings and Configuration
This video tutorial covers how to get set up with the WP e-Commerce plugin for your online shop.

How to Build an Online Store with WordPress
A basic article from iThemes about what you will need to get an e-commerce site started with WordPress.

Foxy Cart


15 jquery slider plugin

I found these plugins very useful for the web development. so i  am sharing

1.  jQuery plugin – Easy Image or Content Slider | Css Globe

2.  Scroll your HTML with jquery scrollable

3.  Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider

4.  Accessible News Slider: A jQuery Plugin

5.  s3Slider jQuery plugin – Overview

6.  Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery

7. jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption

8. New jQuery plugin: imgPreview – James Padolsey

9. CrossSlide – A jQuery plugin to create pan and cross-fade animations

10. JQuery Cycle Plugin

11. Simple jQuery Image Slideshow with Semi Transparent Caption

12. Slider Gallery

13. Create Beautiful jQuery Slider

14. Supersized

15. Smooth Div Scroll

Customize WordPress theme to match an existing website – A Step-by-Step Blog Integration Tutorial

A step by step blog integration tutorial that shows how to customize WordPress’s default theme to make it match an existing website.

Read more>>

24+ list of colour tools and resources to get you started

Colour Schemes

Colour Charts

Colour Pickers

Colour Tools

WordPress Colour and CSS Test Sites

24+ Mootools/jQuery plugins

  1. Window.Growl 2.0 with MooTools 1.2beta2

  2. nyroModal :: jQuery Plugin

  3. prettyPhoto – jQuery lightbox clone

  4. jQuery.ifixpng – png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

  5. jTouch – Color Charge

  6. jQuery Slug Plugin

  7. Creating accessible charts using canvas and jQuery

  8. How To Create A Keypress Navigation Using jQuery

  9. Mootools Ajax Calendar (Vista-Like)

  10. Create a Simple, Intelligent Accordion Effect Using Prototype and Scriptaculous

  11. stanlemon.net : jgrowl

  12. Superfish – Suckerfish on ‘roids

  13. JavaScript – ToC script

  14. SyntaxHighlighter

  15. ColorPicker

  16. Building your own lightbox – part 1

  17. Unit PNG Fix

  18. UniTip

  19. Update: A New & Improved jQuery Script to Automatically Preload images from CSS

  20. mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in

  21. BarackSlideshow – An elegant, lightweight slideshow script

  22. getElementsByClassName versión 2008

  23. jQuery::planize, a plugin to enhance your hierarchical documents

  24. jVal – jQuery Form Field Validation Plugin