Advanced Joomla Social Bookmarking Plugin

Advanced Social Bookmarker is a small joomla plugin services to your articles with technology, it records every click from your readers. You can view your site statistics to see what’s being shared & where.

Quickly & easily add social bookmarking buttons in 3 separate places in each article.

*Top right corner of an article:
Digg this badge, Retweet badge, Yahoo! buzz up badge

*Individual buttons after an article (footer):
Display individual buttons for the social networking sites of your choice (Over 170 popular sites to choose from).

* popup window (footer)
To the right of your individual site buttons is a ‘More…’ popup window that lists over 170 social bookmarking options for your readers.

This plugin is easy to install & configure, & makes it easy for your visitors to submit articles & build traffic to your site.

Plugin Options:
Show/Hide top right Digg this badge
Show/Hide top right Retweet this badge
Show/Hide top right Yahoo! Buzz this badge
Include any text/HTML above the footer buttons
Include any text/HTML below the footer buttons
Easily add your username to track your site statistics
Easily rename the ‘More…’ button
Easily add your twitter username
Easily add/arrange individual social site buttons before


Download Link:

iwebkit: create high quality iPhone and iPod touch websites

Iwebkit is the revolutionary kit used to create high quality iPhone and iPod touch websites in a few minutes and is based on an LGPL license. In the first 4 months of it’s existance the pack has greatly evolved from a basic idea to a project that has reached worldwide fame!

Here is a sneak peak of what’s new:

  • Your creations load 25% faster by reducing and optimizing the code
  • The easy tutorials and code now has become even simpler by reducing the size of the HTML documents by 20%
  • Awsome new and advanced features offered by no pack in the world like a custom popup and iphone-style form elements
  • A whole new website focusing on ease of use and support with a complete new design and a forum.

What is iWebkit

iWebKit is a file package designed to help you create your own iPhone and iPod Touch compatible website or webapp. The kit is accessible to anyone even people without any html knowledge and is simple to understand thanks to the included tutorials. In a couple of minutes you will have created a full and profesional looking website.

What makes iWebkit the best

iWebKit is a great tool because it is very easy to use, extremely fast, compatible & extendable. It is simple html that anyone can edit contrary to some other very complicated solutions based on ajax. Simplicity is the key!

How to use iWebKit

Developing with iWebKit is the easiest way to create your own website. It is just copy and paste! You can extend iWebkit by adding themes and plugins customizing it the way you want to. The possibilities are infinite. Try it now!

Read more here>>>

BRIDGE : The web based project management system

The BRIDGE is a web based project management system, based on the CakePHP framework, that allows team assignment to projects and collaboration on projects between team members.

Main Features Include:

1. Client Management
2. Account Management
3. Project Management
4. Employee Management

Access Control List Groups (modifiable)

*Optional Integration with SugarCRM

*Optional Integration with MyBB Forum

Read more>>

15 New jQuery Plugins for Web development

1. Tagbox

Tagbox is a simple tagging plugin for jQuery. It automatically collects and split user input into tags. See project page for more information.

Tryout a demo


2. ImgAreaSelect

Lets the user select a rectangular area within an image. Can be used to implement image cropping and Flickr-like photo notes.

Try out a demo


3. jQuery Form Wizard Plugin

The form wizard plugin is based on jQuery and can be used to simulate wizard like page flows for forms without having to navigate between different pages.

Try out a demo


4. Nyromodal

nyroModal is a highly customizable modal window plugin.

You’ll be able to customize either the look by CSS and the animation by creating your own, using the jQuery animation function.

Try out a demo


5. Agile Carousel

Jquery plugin that allows you to easily create a custom carousel. Call Jquery UI to enable many different additional transition types and easing methods. Uses PHP to draw images from the folder you specify. Configure many different options including controls, slide timer length, easing type, transition type and more!

Try out a demo


6. Round Corners

A jquery plugin to round the corners and/or create gradients for any HTML element with any browser

Try out a demo


7. Loading

Provides trivially easy way to notify users that a request is being loaded and processed in the background, so that they know their action was received and the page has not frozen.

Try out a demo


8. jQuery Datepicker

A highly customisable datepicker. This plugin forms the basis for the jQuery UI Datepicker. It is made available as a separate plugin since the UI team desired simplified functionality for their version.

Try out a demo


9. Curtains

A great idea for a jQuery plugin.  It animates the opening of some curtains with a good looking call to action.

Try out a demo


10. Simple Text Box Label Over

From time-to-time our sites have used labels that ‘float’ over their text input box.  To make things easier for ourselves, we’ve come up with a little jQuery plugin to do just that.

You can see a working example on this website;  the ‘Search our blog’ text box at the top right of the blog and the ‘Keep up to Date.’ sign-up box on the homepage both use this plugin.


11. QuickFlip 2

QuickFlip works by using an animation shortcut that is barely noticeable when flipped quickly (hence the name). This shortcut improves performance while allowing the flip effect to work smoothly with any piece of markup regardless of images, backgrounds or CSS.

Try out a demo


12. Juitter

Juitter is a Twitter widget that shows you what’s happening on any given Twitter feed live!

Try out a demo


13. Create a Fancy Box

This tutorial will show you how to turn unordered list (UL) into an fancy social bookmarking sharing box. You will see how to style such box, how to add interactivity, and how to create jQuery plugin that will turn any UL into sharing box.

Try out a demo


14. Slick and Accessible Slideshow

You’ll learn how to create a usable and web accessible slideshow widget for your site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (jQuery).

Try out a demo


15. Zoom Tabs

Roll over the image block, tabs slide up and the image zooms a little to reveal more of the picture.

Try out a demo

Some Helpful Site For Building Online Store with WordPress

WordPress is a popular blogging platform and content management system, but it can also be used for powering e-commerce websites. Although its primary purpose is not e-commerce, there are a number of plugins and themes available that will allow you to use WordPress for your online store (some are free and some are premium).

In this post we’ll take a look at some of the resources that can help you to set up your own e-commerce site on WordPress.


WordPress e-Commerce Plugin
An extremely popular plugin that offers a lot of options for setting up an online store with WordPress. WP e-Commerce integrates with PayPal, Google Checkout, and more. Designers will have the flexibility to tweak and customize the appearance as well.

Another popular e-commerce plugin. The cost is $55 for a single-site license or $299 for a developer’s license. The plugin includes a lot of features, including several payment options and flexible shipping calculations.

eShop is a free plugin that also has a lot of features and options for setting up an e-commerce site with WordPress.

Quick Shop
Quick Shop is a free plugin that users sidebar widgets to create a simple shopping cart. You can place tags in your post that will generate a form to add products to the cart.

YAK for WordPress
YAK is a free plugin that creates a simple shopping cart that associates products with posts, so it uses the post ID as the product ID.


Crafty Cart
A free e-commerce theme designed to work with the e-commerce plugin.

A new free theme from Chris Wallace (a child theme for Thematic).

Ecommerce Theme
A premium theme from iThemes. A single-use license costs $79.95 and a developer’s license costs $199.

Market Theme
A premium theme that provides you with everything you need to run an e-commerce site with WordPress. The cost is $55 for a standard license or $150 for a developer’s license.

A premium theme that is available through ThemeForest for $35. Includes 2 child themes.

Another premium theme that is available through ThemeForest for $30. Includes 3 child themes.

Another premium theme that is available through ThemeForest for $30. Includes 2 themes, each with a child theme.


How to Create an E-Commerce Website with WordPress in Under 5 Minutes
This video tutorial will show you how install WordPress, change the them, and use the e-commerce plugin to quickly get an e-commerce website online. The focus is on getting the basics set up rather than going in to great details of the plugin settings and options.

Getting Set Up with the WP e-Commerce Plugin: Settings and Configuration
This video tutorial covers how to get set up with the WP e-Commerce plugin for your online shop.

How to Build an Online Store with WordPress
A basic article from iThemes about what you will need to get an e-commerce site started with WordPress.

Foxy Cart


24+ Mootools/jQuery plugins

  1. Window.Growl 2.0 with MooTools 1.2beta2

  2. nyroModal :: jQuery Plugin

  3. prettyPhoto – jQuery lightbox clone

  4. jQuery.ifixpng – png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

  5. jTouch – Color Charge

  6. jQuery Slug Plugin

  7. Creating accessible charts using canvas and jQuery

  8. How To Create A Keypress Navigation Using jQuery

  9. Mootools Ajax Calendar (Vista-Like)

  10. Create a Simple, Intelligent Accordion Effect Using Prototype and Scriptaculous

  11. : jgrowl

  12. Superfish – Suckerfish on ‘roids

  13. JavaScript – ToC script

  14. SyntaxHighlighter

  15. ColorPicker

  16. Building your own lightbox – part 1

  17. Unit PNG Fix

  18. UniTip

  19. Update: A New & Improved jQuery Script to Automatically Preload images from CSS

  20. mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in

  21. BarackSlideshow – An elegant, lightweight slideshow script

  22. getElementsByClassName versión 2008

  23. jQuery::planize, a plugin to enhance your hierarchical documents

  24. jVal – jQuery Form Field Validation Plugin

open source web based code editor – ecoder

ecoder is a open source web based code editor written in PHP and JavaScript, which offer real-time syntax highlighting , a file browser, file uploader, and tabbed system to allow multiple files to be edited at the same time.


Real-time syntax highlighting is handled by textarea and keyboard short-cuts lend it the feel of a locally installed application. Currently ecoder in beta stage as this project is not yet finished. ecoder works with most standards compliant browsers which have JavaScript enabled. internet explorer 6 is not supported.

keyboard shortcuts for ecoder :

Tab: add tabulation to text
Shift+Tab: remove tabulation to text
Ctrl+f: search next / open search area
Ctrl+r: replace / open search area
Ctrl+h: toggle syntax highlight on/off
Ctrl+g: go to line
Ctrl+z: undo
Ctrl+y: redo
Ctrl+e: about
Ctrl+q, Esc: close popup
Access key E: Toggle editor