JConverter: Convert WordPress to Joomla Extension

JConverter is a component for Joomla! 1.5 allows you to convert your WordPress blog into a Joomla site.It can import users, blog posts, categories, pages and even links from your WordPress blog to Joomla

Just install it, select the options you want to imports from WordPress and click on “Start Conversion”. It queries the WordPress database for blog posts, pages, users, links and categories and converts them to Joomla format.

All in just one click. This is BETA release and there are some new features planned in future. As of now, there are certain limitations of JConverter which you can find under configuration panel of component.

More Details and Download: http://www.sopantech.com/services/free-extensions/cat_view/46-joomla-extensions/50-components.html

5 Free Website Analytics Applications


Open Web Analytics is an open source framework that developers can use to integrate web analytics into any application. It is built with PHP & besides the standalone usage, it has built-in support for WordPress, Gallery & MediaWiki.

Open Web Analytic Homepage: http://www.openwebanalytics.com/


Piwik is an open source website analytics application which provides detailed statistics about visitors, keywords, pages & more in real-time. It can be installed on an any PHP-MySQL compatible webserver & the rest works similar to Google Analytics; inserting the tracking codes into the websites we want to track.

Piwik  Homepage: http://piwik.org/


CrawlTrack is a free web analytic and SEO analysis software with an exclusive webmaster script. CrawlTrack is not a script based web analytics tool like Google analytics, AWstats, or phpMyVisites.

CrawlTrack Homepage: http://www.crawltrack.net/


PHP Web Stat is an open source statistics application that requires no databases. It creates its own log files & displays the data according to these information.

PHP Web Stat Homepage: http://www.php-web-statistik.de/


Grape is a simple open source web statistics application with a clean interface.
Grape Homepage: http://www.quate.net/grape

15 jquery slider plugin

I found these plugins very useful for the web development. so i  am sharing

1.  jQuery plugin – Easy Image or Content Slider | Css Globe

2.  Scroll your HTML with jquery scrollable

3.  Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider

4.  Accessible News Slider: A jQuery Plugin

5.  s3Slider jQuery plugin – Overview

6.  Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery

7. jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption

8. New jQuery plugin: imgPreview – James Padolsey

9. CrossSlide – A jQuery plugin to create pan and cross-fade animations

10. JQuery Cycle Plugin

11. Simple jQuery Image Slideshow with Semi Transparent Caption

12. Slider Gallery

13. Create Beautiful jQuery Slider

14. Supersized

15. Smooth Div Scroll

5 WP Ecommerce Plugins+Tutorials And Resources

WP e-Commerce

It is the most powerful free WordPress Ecommerce plugin. It integrates with a lot of payment options and designers may easily tweak the look and feel of the website by utilizing WordPress PHP template tags, shortcodes, and widgets. Besides these, WP e-Commerce has a complete documentation and beginners are easy to get started with it.


eShop is an accessible shopping cart plugin for WordPress, packed with various features. It can handles downloadable products and supports various payment options such as Paypal, Payson, eProcessingNetwork, Webtopay and Cash/Cheque.

YAK for WordPress

It is an open source WordPress plugin for Ecommerce. It supports posts and pages as products and uses categories to handle different type of products. YAK supports different payment options too. Basic documentation is free while the advance useages documentation costs $20.


Shopp is a premium WordPress plugin for Ecommerce solution. You will have complete control over the shopping experience, which mean you can customize the design with stylesheets and WordPress PHP tags. The documentation is pretty complete, and you can get more supports from the community via the support forums.

WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Plugin

This simple plugin lets users add an “Add to cart” button anywhere on the blog. Customers can view their items from the shopping cart page.

Tutorials And Resources

1. Create an eCommerce Website with WordPress in under 5 minutes – A video tutorial from WordPress.tv that teach you about how to create an Ecommerce website with WordPress and the WP e-Commerce plugin.

2. Getting set up with the WP e-Commerce plugin: settings and configuration – Another video tutorial which walks you through the process of getting set up with the WP e-Commerce plugin.

3. How to Build an Online Store With WordPress – A simple tutorial on how to use Ecommerce Themes from iThemes to built your own online store.

4. How To Open An Online Store With WordPress In Less Than 30 Minutes – Shows you how to built and create an online store with WordPress in less than 30 minutes. It is very suitable for beginners.

5. WP e-Commerce SEO Tutorial – This SEO tutorial is designed to show you how to optimize WP e-Commerce for maximum traffic from the search engines.

6. WP e-Commerce Review For WordPress

240+ awesome Jquery Plugins


jQuery is definitely my favourite Javascript Library and this ultimate jQuery Plugin List is for all other jQuery Lovers out there. At the moment there are about 240+ awesome Plugins in the List I’m sure that there are a lot of other plugins out there – so if you knew one that’s not in the list please post a comment and i will add it. Thanks!

File upload

Ajax File Upload
Multiple File Upload plugin
jQuery File Style
Styling an input type file
Progress Bar Plugin

Form Validation

jQuery Validation
Auto Help
Simple jQuery form validation
jQuery XAV – form validations
jQuery AlphaNumeric
Masked Input
TypeWatch Plugin
Text limiter for form fields
Ajax Username Check with jQuery

Form – Select Box stuff

jQuery Combobox
jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List
Multiple Selects
Select box manipulation
Select Combo Plugin
jQuery – LinkedSelect
Auto-populate multiple select boxes
Choose Plugin (Select Replacement)

Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.

jQuery Form Plugin
jLook Nice Forms
Ping Plugin
Toggle Form Text
jQuery Field Plugin
jQuery Form’n Field plugin
jQuery Checkbox manipulation
jQuery labelcheck
3 state radio buttons
ShiftCheckbox jQuery Plugin
Watermark Input
jQuery Checkbox (checkboxes with imags)
jQuery SpinButton Control
jQuery Ajax Form Builder
jQuery Focus Fields
jQuery Time Entry

Time, Date and Color Picker

jQuery UI Datepicker
jQuery date picker plugin
jQuery Time Picker
Time Picker
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin
Color Picker by intelliance.fr

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10 reasons to make your site mobile……

Here are ten reasons why you should get a .mobi domain name and make your site mobile:
1. There are four times as many mobile phones sold as PCs. That’s 1.3 billion people who can access the internet on their mobile phones.

2. The mobile web is a new marketing channel that’s predicted to generate $150 billion by 2011.

3. According to Nielsen, mobile internet extends the audience reach of many leading internet sites by an average of 13% over PC traffic alone. That means a mobile web site is likely to increase the overall size of your audience.

4. “.mobi” means “mobile” like “.com” means “commercial” on a “computer.”

5. .mobi is a trustmark that tells your customers your site works on mobile phones and that your content is relevant to their mobile context.

6. There are more than 80,000,000 .com, .net and .org sites, but less than 1% are mobile friendly. With a .mobi name and free dotMobi guides, your site will work on any phone with any operator.

7. You can have first mover advantage in the mobile space with the domain name you want. dotMobi has registered nearly one million names but great ones are available if you secure your names now.

8. Unlike m.domain.com or domain.com/mobile, a .mobi address means a site will work on mobile because dotMobi’s free guides ensure that mobile sites adhere to industry best practices and open standards. Oh, and .mobi is the only ICANN-approved naming convention for the mobile web.

9. Mobile sites using .mobi perform better on search engines. Each domain gets only one entry in the web “zone files” that search engines use for their crawls. Your .com or .net is already used for your PC site, so you won’t get an entry for “m.site.com” or “site.net/mobile,” etc. … but you get one for .mobi.

10. Microsoft predicts most people’s first computing experience will be on a mobile. If your brand is one that people see during that formative experience, you will leave a positive, long-term impression.

Find out more at http://dotmobi.mobi or read http://blog.mobi.

10 Steps to Professionalise Your Joomla Web Site

Create a new favicon.ico.
Yes, the default black Joomla logo is pretty, but people bookmarking your site they need to see a icon that identifies your site rather than Joomla or others using Joomla default icon. If you don’t want to design on a 16×16 pixels scale, there are sites that will generate a favicon for you. Then upload it to /template//favicon.ico
Make sure you backup your database everyday.
We recommend the JoomlaPack – AJAX powered backup and restore

Don’t cut and paste from Microsoft Word.
It may be easy but MS Word produces some of the worst HTML ever. Cut and paste into a text editor such as Notepad or WordPAD before adding that content to your site.

Make sure you put the Search button in an observable position.
A search of the latest 20 sites on the Joomla forums showcase reveals that more than half doesn’t have a clearly visible search button.  Low on the left or right hand column is not good places. Try and put it close to the menu so that people’s eyes are logically drawn to it.

Utilize “Read More”.
Lots of visitors will never get past your homepage. Make sure that your homepage is not a long text area and start creating some “tease” –short content. In general, articles should not be longer than 4 or 5 sentences, followed by a “Read More…” link.

Content >> Unpublish the PDF and Print options.
These generate duplicate content problems in Google and may delay your SEO success.

Server >> Use Server Defaults.
Setting this to 777 or 775 creates a big security hole on your site.
Metadata. Don’t overload here. Keep it to a maximum of 6 description words and keywords. These will show on every page and you want to allow each page to have its own keywords.

Cache. Turn cache on from Global Configuration-> System.
Your site will run faster. The cache function saves copies of the web page as file so that users don’t have to load your whole page and make many database connections every time they visit.

Statistics. Turn them off!
hey’ll slow your site performance down. Go and get Google Analytics instead. Click here to see how to insert Google analytics to your joomla site.